Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I can't sleep because I'm torturing myself over a time when Doreen came to me and asked to borrow $500. I agreed to loan it to her, but not without lecturing her about it first. I gave her the spiel that would've made Suze Orman proud. It was something like, "$500 is a lot of money for me. I'm going to loan it to you because I believe you're going to pay me back, but this is an uncomfortable situation for me and I don't want you to ask me again." It wasn't those exact words, but the message was along those lines. Why didn't I just say yes and leave it at that? I should've just given her the money. It had to be hard for her to come to me, and she likely knew the judgemental response she'd get. She was desperate and I probably made her feel so small.

I'm sorry for all the things I did that weren't very nice. They're coming back to haunt me now.

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