Monday, January 18, 2010

I Have a Dream...with my apologies to Dr. King

I can't remember if it was 2003 or 2004, but I woke up on MLK day in NYC and told my friend Sarah, "I had a dream". She gave me one of those looks reserved for only the dumbest of jokes. I was confused for a minute until I realized what day it was. That year MLK day was, for me, a convenient weekend to take a vacation.

Fast forward 6 or 7 years, and here I am, still dreaming. Of course my dreams are different than they were back then, many of the old ones having already come to fruition just beautifully. Aaaannnd, there are also some new "developments" that I now need to dream and mobilize my way back out of, preferably in a non-violent fashion. Okay, let's just be frank. I got fat, ya'll! That's not to say that losing weight is my biggest or most altuistic dream, it just happens to be what this particular post is about. And I don't have a lot of other problems at the moment. (See other posts re: Wal-Mart, Coupons, etc.)

If a civil rights activist ever reads this, let me apologize right now. As I'm writing this, I have exactly 3 followers and they know how seriously I take civil rights for all people. So I hope nobody gets offended that I, too, am inspired by Dr. King. Even as a white, college-educated woman, from a middle-class, two-parent household, he speaks to me. And from his grave, he directs me to follow my dreams, large and small. This particular one may seem small in light of real problems in the world (see Haiti), but in America, obesity is huge. Pun intended? You betcha! And if Dr. King can be an icon and a legacy of civil rights, surely I can lose a few pounds. Okay, more than a few.

Have you ever done anything wrong that you just couldn't stop? It is the worst type of feeling to be out of control. Mainly, because you don't realize that you've lost control until way too late. And when you realize that you have to give something up, you go through all the stages of grief backwards and forwards until finally.....Acceptance. And if that's not bad enough, you start the process all over again the minute you hit a bump in the road on your way to recovery. Excuses!! If-onlys!! It's different for me because ___ (fill in the blank). It's the same story no matter what you're trying to quit. The truth is, it's not different for me. I don't believe I'm a food addict, per se. There are definitely differences to my problem, but there are also many similarities. How many times have I puzzled over how someone could do something so stupid as to drink and drive, or inject a drug into their veins. Well? Those same people probably don't understand why I let my ass get so big. It's not as socially acceptable to wrestle a cannoli out of somebody's hand, they way others might do with car keys.

I've been scared of being fat my whole life, and it seemed predestined. I began yo-yo dieting somewhere around age 10 or 12. I was skinny then, but would routinely get up at 6am for Mousercize on the Disney Channel, or dig through my mother's exercise tapes on VHS. Sometimes I would do sit-ups in bed instead of going to sleep. I just knew that I was going to be overweight one day, and at that age, that was my solution. Just a few years ago, I asked my physician for help. Since my BMI was 24, she wouldn't help me. Even though I was 20 pounds overweight, I wouldn't be clinically overweight until my BMI was 25, nevermind that I was trying to avoid that. She told me to eat right and exercise. Well duh! I didn't need to be told what to do, I needed to be told HOW to do it. It sounds dumb, but I really couldn't figure it out! It really is like those commercials about relearning to do things without smoking. Part of our brain is malfunctioning and we can't do what we know we need to do. Well here I am now with a BMI of 31.3, clinically obese. (Check your BMI here) Was it bad genes, or a self-fulfilling prophecy? Or better yet: Was it programmed into me unwittingly by my parents in a perpetual cycle of low self-esteem and unhealthy relationships with food? Ding, ding, ding!!! But that's another post all in itself. And incidentally, it's waaayyy beside the point because I take full responsibility for every glorious cannoli in my adult life. They all meant something to me. :)

What's crazy is that, like many of my failures in life ,(posts on relationships soon!!), it took a very long time to realize that I have to do something. Big. Now. I just think we all have these images of ourselves that are hard to overcome. For most of my life, I've been in a healthy weight range, so I still feel like a normal sized person. You know how anorexics think they're fat? Well, I think I'm thin! It's not until I go shopping for pants, or someone tags a photo of me on facebook that I remember. And It has been very convenient living in Maryland, where my old friends can't see me, and my new friends don't know the difference. Even I was alarmed when I stepped on a scale in August for the first time since before my wedding. "Ouch!", said the scale. I just sit here and shake my head because never in my wildest dreams did I imagine this.

So here it is, January 18th, 2010. MLK Day. I don't know how many diets and exercise programs I've began and quit in my 31 years, most of them not even necessary. This one is necessary. I can't be obese. I don't want to have heart problems, thyroid problems, diabetes, etc. and pass these habits on to my children. And I'm just not made to shop in stores where all the jeans are made with stretchy material. (They're so awful!). So I apologize in advance that I am sure to have a long series of posts about my weightloss journey. I will try to pepper in some posts that the skinny-minis will find interesting, too. To be honest, it's difficult to even post this at all, since it's something I consider to be nobody's business. And I'm not thrilled about airing my inner-most thoughts about being fat to everyone on facebook, but I need the outlet. I need the support. I need to prepare for the day when I'm not motivated. This first two weeks and 7.4 pounds lost has been easy, but it won't last. Disappointment, frustration and tears are most certainly on the horizon, and I need to be ready. I need to have a plan so that I can wake up everyday believing in my dream, and believing in myself that I can overcome.


  1. I've been told that it only takes 2-3 weeks to form a working out and eating right can become routine. I'm right with you Jessica and if you ever need a boost or a vent, I'm here. I gained the most weight with Ava and it seems more difficult to lose the baby weight this time round. The scale does not want to readily acknowledge my exercising or eating right! Darn scale! BTW, love you just the way you are! xx

  2. J - I am TOTALLY with you sista. Check out my blog too. I'm down 15.2 lbs and if I can do it there is NO QUESTION that you can. I wish you luck and I can't wait to follow your journey! xoxo

  3. Thanks ladies!! I'm so glad I got support from all three of my readers already! Haha. (Christina sent them to my inbox). My readers are the best! Looks like we're in this together! And I am NOT looking forward to a stubborn scale. That is the worst, and the biggest reason I used to give up! And GOOD JOB Heather on the 15.2 pounds! I can't stress enough how that extra decimal point keeps me going. As long as it's 0.1 pounds less, it's a success:) Keep it up, ladies! We can reach our goals together!
