Monday, February 14, 2011

Feb 15th, 2011

Dear Benjamin,

You are so stinkin' cute. It's unreal. Your smile is so big and bright - it cracks me up. You've started to laugh now and it melts everyone's heart. Your Grandma Gigi has gotten so many awesome pictures of you. I haven't even taken any this month because she has taken so many that I don't need to. She is staying with us this month so that I can return to work and not have to leave you with a babysitter. You are so blessed to have her. She loves you so much and will be heartbroken when she has to go back to Michigan in two weeks. I imagine she's going to be visiting Baltimore a whole lot. Sometimes she's a little spastic and you get fussy because you just want some peace and quiet--so I'm sorry I don't always save you. She just loves you so much that I let her hold you as much as she wants. She's doing way more good than harm and she always figures out what you want eventually. She tirelessly walks you around the house, sings songs, and acts silly just to make you smile. You bring us all such joy. It seems like our whole goal in life these days is just to make you smile.

Love you so much,

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