Monday, February 1, 2010

January Results

In January, I lost 10.2 pounds and lowered my BMI from 32.4 to 30.9. I've worked out 6 times every week, including 1 workout per week with my trainer, Tiffany. The other workouts have mainly been Body Pump classes, low impact aerobics and the elliptical machine. I ran on the treadmill once, but my knees make it difficult to do high impact activities. They seem to be better when I wear my knee brace. My goal is to be able to run someday. A marathon seems way too distant, in more ways than one, but I'd like to be able to at least train for one someday. Even if it has to be on a treadmill and not pavement.

During my workouts with Tiffany, she has me running sprints, running up the stairs, doing jump-squats, all sorts of squats and lunges, push-ups, pull-ups, planks, lifting weights, kettle bells, mountain climbers, etc., etc., etc. I'm learning a lot and getting stronger. Even Dave notices my biceps and triceps popping up. During my solo morning workouts, the hardest part is getting up and suiting up. I still struggle with the temptation of skipping, but I've adopted a "Just do it" attitude and clear my head of all thoughts when that happens. I find that the more I think, the more likely I am to give in to my laziness. So I try not to think as much as possible.

As for my diet, it's the strangest thing. I've noticed that I can eat pretty much whatever I want and still lose weight. Notice I didn't say "as much as" I want. I still count calories and eat mostly healthy food. I set my calorie target for 1600, but I've been averaging 1305 calories a day. Calories can be hard to estimate sometimes, so I try to listen to my body cues over anything else. This last week was challenging foodwise, because I had to eat at least one meal outside the home 5 days out of 7. But I found out that I can eat 3 course meals, including dessert, two nights in a row and still lose weight. I also had ice cream cake, a slice of NY pizza, a Whopper Jr. and 2 mini cinnamon rolls. (Luckily I had Dave to eat the other 4 that came in the 6-pack of the cinnabon bites). I feel a lot better when I choose healthier options, but it's good to know I CAN eat those things if I want to. It's just a little different, now. Instead of a Whopper with cheese, fries and a soda, it's just a Whopper Jr., maybe 1 or 2 (tops) of Dave's fries, and water. (Do not attempt 1-2 fries in your first few weeks of weightloss. Must build discipline first!!) And when someone serves me three courses in a restaurant, I don't feel like I have to clean my plate. I have said good-bye to that uncomfortable too-full feeling.

Eating at Burger King is something that used to ruin my diet. I would just order a combo, eat the whole thing, and maybe even give up on the diet altogether after feeling like I failed. An all-or-nothing attitude is the most dangerous attitude to have while dieting. The best way to succeed, is: 1) don't limit yourself and 2) make better choices. It's difficult in the beginning, but just lowering your portions gradually will make a huge difference. That small piece of ice cream cake tasted good, but the next morning my stomach didn't feel good when I woke up. So when Dave and I drove by our favorite ice cream place today, I wasn't even tempted. When you eat healthier, your body knows the difference.

I want to thank Jo-Ellen and Sarah for working out with me at the gym. I actually owe it to Jo-Ellen that I joined the gym last August, because she talked me into it. I started working out with Tiffany once per week in September, made small changes here and there for several months, and then kicked into high gear in 2010. Also, the has been an extremely valuable tool, so I want to thank Bob White for introducing me to it via facebook. Also, every person who comments on this blog, or my facebook page, means so much to me and gives me more and more motivation to keep going. I'm also proud to report that I now have 6 blog followers! That is a 100% increase since Jan. 1.

I'm still working on figuring out my end goal. The magic number in my head is 140 pounds because that's the "ideal" weight for my height, and I remembering liking that weight. Somewhere close to that will be great, but I don't want to bow down to an arbitrary number. I also want to build muscle, which is something I've never had before, so I'm not sure where that will fit in. If I'm a muscular 140, I may be too thin for my taste, or my husband's. That is something I think about sometimes, because Dave married a voluptuous woman. I've got a while until I need to worry about that, though. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. For now, I'm just concentrating on getting there.


  1. I want to post a crap-ton to you right now but because it is past my bedtime, I will just say you effin' rock, sista!! Good job!!!!! Woo Hoo! :) I'm so excited for you! I use your motivation to keep me going :) XOXO Keep it up girlie!

  2. Congrats on the results, such a good feeling!! It definitely inspires me, I fell off the exercise band wagon two weeks ago and haven't gotten back on. I have a ton of excuses but I just need to do it.
